Eufemismos são palavras e expressões usadas para suavizar algo que possa ser interpretado como desagrável ou não muito educado. Por exemplo, se ligamos para alguém e esta pessoa está ocupada ou não quer nos atender, sua secretária pode dizer:
He’s unable to come to the phone.
He’s currently unavailable.
Para dizer que alguém está bêbado e não usar a palavra drunk podemos usar:
tired and emotional – The newspaper said the president was tired and emotional.
have a bit too much to drink – He had a bit too much to drink last night.
to be a bit worse for wear – He was a bit worse for wear by the time he came home.
to have over-indulged – I think he over-indulged in the free beer at the party.
to have had one too many – He’s had one too many tonight.
E também há algumas bem interessantes e divertidas sobre a morte:
meet your maker – He’s gone to meet his maker.
six feet under - I won’t worry about money When I’m six feet under.
pushing up daisies - Last I heard about him, he’s pushing up daisies.
in your / his / my box – When I’m in my box you can argue all you like about the inheritance.
snuff it - I’ve heard that poor old Ernie has snuffed it.
popped his clogs - Harold popped his clogs last year.
kick the bucket - So Joe has finally kicked the bucket.
Veja algumas outras formas de eufemismo:
Para não dizer … dizemos …
disgusting - unappealing
ugly - unattractive
busy - unavailable
pretty rare – uncommon
don’t understand – a little unclear
strange - a little unconventional
not comfortable – a little uneasy
an unpleasant surprise - a little unexpected
basically impossible – unheard of
can’t be done – unfeasible
rude and mean – a little unfriendly
ignorant - simply uninformed
boring - ininteresting
a lie – simply untrue
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